List of Chrome URLs
- chrome://appcache-internals
- chrome://blob-internals
- chrome://bookmarks >>書籤管理員
- chrome://cache >>瀏覽器所載入的cache網址
- chrome://chrome-urls
- chrome://crashes
- chrome://credits
- chrome://dns
- chrome://downloads >>下載
- chrome://extensions >>擴充功能
- chrome://flags >>各種實驗性功能
- chrome://flash
- chrome://gpu-internals >>查看GPU啟用狀態
- chrome://histograms
- chrome://history >>紀錄
- chrome://ipc
- chrome://media-internals
- chrome://memory >>記憶體分配資訊
- chrome://net-internals
- chrome://view-http-cache
- chrome://newtab >>新分頁
- chrome://plugins >>外掛程式
- chrome://print >>列印
- chrome://profiler
- chrome://quota-internals
- chrome://sessions
- chrome://settings >>選項
- chrome://stats
- chrome://sync-internals >>查看同步狀態
- chrome://tasks >>chrome工作管理員
- chrome://tcmalloc
- chrome://terms >>chrome服務條款
- chrome://tracing
- chrome://version >>chrome版本
- chrome://workers
- chrome://conflicts >>檢視所有已載入的模組
For Debug
The following pages are for debugging purposes only. Because they crash or hang the renderer, they're not linked directly; you can type them into the address bar if you need them.- chrome://crash/
- chrome://kill/
- chrome://hang/
- chrome://shorthang/
- chrome://gpuclean
- chrome://gpucrash
- chrome://gpuhang